Benjamin and Wina Hansen with Noah serve with Ethnos360 at the headquarters in Germany. The team are thankful to the Lord for the building permission which was granted in His perfect timing a couple months ago for the remodelling of their office building …even though it was nearly a year later than they had expected. It is now going ahead quickly and in the meantime they are renting a small apartment nearby which they are using as temporary office space.
Ben has a surgery planned mid-June and there will be further testing needed afterwards. Please pray that the medical staff will have wisdom to determine if or what further treatment is required. Also pray for Ben’s health and that the family will rest in the Lord.
Recently Ben was in northern Italy for some meetings with other Ethnos360/NTM ‘sending countries’. His Dad who serves with Ethnos360 in the USA was also there for those meetings, so that was very special.
In just a couple of weeks Ben’s brother, Philip, and his wife Natalie and their son, will be returning to Germany on a short maternity leave from PNG. They are expecting their second child. Ben, Wina and Noah are looking forward to seeing them as they will be staying in a town not far from where they live.
Ben and Wina are now busy preparing for ‘Pre-Field Orientation’, a week-long training course at North Cotes which will be held the last week in June. Several young people are preparing to go overseas for the next school year to various countries to help the missionaries in different ways and with a variety of projects. Praise the Lord, most of the urgent positions have been filled.
Not long after that, they will be visiting the USA from mid-July until August. They are looking forward to spending time with friends and family.