Passing the baton

Kirk and Yolanda Rogers, who serve in West Africa, recently completed the final consultant check of the Landuma translation of Romans and Ephesians. They did the check via video conference call, as the consultant was in the USA. Currently they are making a few needed improvements before these Scriptures will be ready for printing. Pray they are a blessing to the Landuma people!

  • A Landuma man, who was born a few years after Kirk and Yolanda’s arrival in the village, and is now 25, did very well listening to the Landuma Scriptures being read and explaining what he understood from it to the English speaking translation consultant. This Landuma man is currently taking a course in biblical studies, and his ambition is to serve the Lord as a Bible translator. Kirk and Yolanda have long prayed for co-workers to whom they would be able to pass the translation baton, and it appears that this man may be an answer to that prayer. Pray for him to remain diligent in his studies.

Praise the Lord, the mobile phone antenna near their home came online a couple of weeks ago. It has been a blessing to finally have a fairly good Internet and phone connection in their home!

  • They recently realised that they really should take a home assignment soon, to visit family (including meeting their 18-month-old granddaughter for the first time!) and supporters, as well as to take care of some maintenance and repair projects at their Missouri house. They have  much to do in preparing for leaving in the next week or so, pray that they can get everything done.

Pray for:

The Landuma believers that they would continue to grow in their faith and witness to those around them.

Their desire to study God’s Word, and worship the Lord individually and as a group would increase.

The young people especially, that they would see their responsibility before the Lord to study hard to prepare for their future, as well as to work hard to help provide for the needs of their families. The lure of the world and its charms is great as they have access to music, TV, videos and the Internet, where they are exposed to many harmful messages.

The people to come to understand that things of the world are empty and unsatisfying in the end. Only in Jesus is there true, abundant and eternal life.

Thank you for praying for Kirk, Yolanda and the Landuma people!