Partnership Development

Having completed her training at North Cotes College, Becky Noble is preparing to return to Papua New Guinea in January 2025. At this moment in time, it looks like her primary focus will no longer be teaching in the school on the NTM support base at Lapilo (Goroka). Becky absolutely loved her time teaching at Numonohi Christian Academy. However, another door seems to be opening. She has been burdened for the local PNG people, whom she got to know and love during her previous four years in the country.

NTM PNG leadership would now like to form a team to work with the many national people who have contact with the support bases in the Goroka area. NTM’s focus as a mission organisation is to reach remote people groups (i.e. in far-off tribes), desiring is to do this in partnership with national believers, and the mission does not want to neglect the spiritual needs of the people on the doorstep of the support bases. Because of the new emphasis of this ministry, the specifics of how and what exactly Becky will be doing will be in development over the course of the next couple of years. There is much to be praying about! There is a lot of paperwork to submit before she receives the necessary permits.

In the meantime, Becky is working through lots of admin and health-related tasks and served on a beach mission for a week in August. During September, October and November, she hopes to share at different meetings, starting with a seminar at the Beach Mission conference. This is known as the Partnership Development stage.

Becky would really appreciate your prayers as she considers stepping out of her comfort zone into this new ministry opportunity, and as the time to leave gets closer and more real. While she can see how the Lord has been preparing and leading her, she feels completely inadequate, and there are many fears and concerns that arise at times.

She has never had so many different lists! Currently Becky is putting much more on the lists each day than she ticks off. She would appreciate your prayers for wisdom in figuring out what these coming months of Partnership Development should look like and how to balance the time. Also, to arrive in PNG in January, Becky’s paperwork will need to be processed quicker than usual.