Daniel, Nicole and David Noort are well into their time of orientation and making contacts near Lake Superior as part of their First Nations training. It was a total of […]
Albert and Lynne Castelijn with Stevie serve among the Banwaon people of the Philippines and are rejoicing that 1 and 2 Peter and James can be added to the growing […]
Four different directions
Francois and Nadia Hattingh have been serving the church in South East Africa from within since 1995. They are currently serving with Integral Vision South East Africa field in four […]
Keep on praying
After having to return to the United Kingdom for several weeks in March due to one of their children needing medical treatment Jonathan and Naomi are now glad to be […]
Perfect timing
Benjamin and Wina Hansen with Noah serve with Ethnos360 at the headquarters in Germany. The team are thankful to the Lord for the building permission which was granted in His […]
Depending on the Lord
The first four months of 2019 have gone by like a flash for Gerolf and Mailis Wuest with Richard and Christian who are on home assignment in Germany. At the […]
Phase three
Ragnar and Elizabeth Niclasen are full of praise that the exciting day has arrived to begin working on lessons for Phase III. They are so thankful for God’s guidance to […]
Translation Check
David and Shari Ogg serve among the Simbari people of Papua New Guinea and have an important final check with a translation consultant scheduled this month. They would appreciate prayer […]
Decisions ahead
Life has been busy for Paul and Naomi Born. They led the worship time at the REACH conference, Nom finished teaching Grammar, they had visitors from Germany and with two […]