Ragnar and Elizabeth Niclasen are nearing the end of their time of home assignment in Canada and will be visiting the Faroes and the UK before thy return to the […]
Rewarding days
“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, unto him be glory in […]
Safe arrival
Paul and Marina Briggs have arrived safely in Ivory Coast. They are particularly thankful for prayer over the last few weeks and that they were home in Northern Ireland for […]
Run with endurance
Wind down
A massive behemoth
On day eight of their second milling trip in Kovol, Papua New Guinea, Rhett Stous and Steve Stanley got to mill the gravy train tree! A massive behemoth, too wide […]
New arrivals
Alessandro and Chantal Parrillo with Samuel and Jolissa serve among the K…… people of West Africa. They are so thankful to God for their language helper who is continuing to […]
Rain, translation and baptisms
André and Aurélie Tousch thank you for your prayers for rain! In the last weeks, they were just receiving enough rain to keep having some water in the tank, but […]