As Dave and Fran Jordan work towards seeing a mature church grow among the Prai people, please pray that they will fix their eyes on Jesus. The growing process does […]
Encouraging news
Paul and Susan Boothby returned to the UK at the end of February. They would appreciate prayer for the Gende believers. Also, pray for the Gende Bible teacher who continues […]
Depending on the Lord
Heart language
Stephen and Helena Brown with Ashley, Amy, and Grace serve at the Bible and Missionary training Centre in Colombia. The end of last term was busy, but the Lord gave […]
Gospel focus
When Robert Westerveld was checking the Bible lessons for the Iqwaye and Gwase dialects he came across these verses from the Gospel of Mark. While many people were looking for […]
Paul and Marina Briggs have spent the past month or so among the Loron, in Ivory Coast, West Africa. They have had an encouraging time. Copies of the translation of […]
Latin America
Jonathan and Rachel Willcock were recently able to spend time with family in the USA on their way to provide some consultant training in Mexico. They had a lot of […]
Building relationships
Sorrow and Joy
Erwin and Rita Penner recently experienced sorrow and joy close together. Sorrow as a colleague working in a tribal location was fatally injured. Joy as they attended the first wedding […]