
André and Aurélie Tousch and family are back in the village after spending several weeks in town.

The church launched its first evangelism outreach last week. Andre went with four faithful men from the Iski church. They have been preparing for this for over a year now!

The people of the church in the village where the outreach was taking place were at the meeting (about sixty), and they were expecting between ten and thirty new people to join them to hear God’s Word, but many more came, there were up to 280 people in total! The meetings took place in the brand new meeting hall.

At first, the teachers were a bit intimidated and yet they did a great job of beginning to teach the Bible chronologically.

Some people walked more than two hours to attend the meetings every morning Monday to Friday. However, the outreach will last for more than three months. Pray for everyone to stay motivated.

A dozen people from a neighbouring tribe also came to listen; some of them understand the Iski language. Pray that they understand correctly and can translate for those who do not understand!

There is also opposition, pray that the people do not give up!

This week, André and Aurélie’s colleague Jason is in the village with another team at the outreach. In total twelve men from the church will teach, that is three teams of four taking turns for three months. These men will be put to the test and become the target of the enemy: please pray for them!

Many of those who go to the meetings have heard stories from the Bible here and there, but all still believe in ancestral traditions and spirit worship.

This time spent in the village where the outreach is taking place allows the missionary team to share more closely the daily lives of the people. They live in their homes, share their very simple living conditions: no running water or refrigerator, no computer (because there’s no power to charge them), no phone or washing machine. While they are there, they have to work with paper and pencils and everything takes a lot of time!

Thank you for your prayers for this outreach. Pray for the believers to have good testimonies and for many to come to know the Lord!