Opportunity, provision and protection

Esme has been back in West Africa for two months!

Less than a week before she returned to West Africa (after a period of medical home assignment), Esme along with her parents were involved in a car accident but, by the grace of God, no one was injured in their car or the one behind…and mercifully, they had not shunted forwards into the car in front either.

Her journey back to West Africa was not without adventure. Give thanks to the Lord for the opportunity to return, His provision to do so and for protection and safety along the way.

The Lord has provided an apartment for her to live in over the next few months…and a new flat mate. Pray for the Lord’s protection over their friendship. Pray too for their relationship with the owners of the apartment, who live on the ground floor.

Esme’s niece has been having severe headaches and problems with her vision. Please pray that her vision will be fully restored and that the pressure and fluid on her brain would go completely. Pray that her eyes would be opened and that she would put her trust in the Saviour too.

Esme was pleasantly surprised by how much she understands and can communicate; however, there are many words that she has forgotten…so please pray that she would take the time to study diligently, listen to old recordings and that she would speak the language naturally. She plans to have a language evaluation at the end of October. Pray for that and for wisdom for those involved as they decide how she is doing and how much more work may need to be done.

Esme has been enjoying renewing friendships with her language helper and host family who recently moved house. Pray for them in their new home – now some distance away from from church (it takes them four hours by bus and three hours by shared car to get to church now!) Pray for opportunities for Esme to see more of them when they are more settled. Pray about the possibility of spending time with them and their wider family in the south over Christmas.

She is thankful for:-

* Generally feeling very well and very much better than she was this time last year!

* For safety on the roads

* For the rains which are much better than the last couple of years…pray they would continue in the south of the country – they are much needed for good crops.

* For God’s Word being translated in many languages…and particularly for a finished New Testament which has recently been put into the hands of one of the people groups in West Africa.

Please Pray:-

* For her walk with the Lord and spiritual well-being.

* That Esme would form more friendships locally (not easy when transport to and from the language centre takes so long and she is often tired due to long days and the heat and humidity), and for continued opportunities for her to speak of Him.

* For healing for her shoulder, and that she would keep up the exercises and avoid sudden movements for a while!

* For wisdom and guidance from the Lord concerning where to serve when she has completed culture and French language study in the capital.