Liam and Ellen with Cora and Florrie have been in lock down now for nearly 11 weeks. In some ways the time has gone very quickly, and in some ways it feels like a lifetime ago that they left North Cotes college.
Not having their own house and living with great uncertainty about the future has been testing at times but they are so aware that this is just part of God’s plan for their lives, that this is where they are meant to be for now, and they will go to Southeast Asia at exactly the right time.
More recently, Liam has been able to do a bit of work as restrictions have eased. It is good that he has something to do and earn a little money as well.
Home schooling the girls has been great fun, and Ellen is so thankful for this time to really get to grips with it while they have the headspace to do so! It has been a real blessing and has definitely made their lock down easier. They have loved PE with daddy, painting and some fantastic family walks.
They have enjoyed having zoom chats and church meetings, and have been able to be a little bit involved that way but they have really missed physically seeing people.
Currently Southeast Asia is still in a ‘state of emergency’ through to the end of June, and international flights are suspended until then. Thankfully life there is rapidly returning to normal.
The embassies are slowly starting to look towards taking visa applications, although this is based on the assumption that UK citizens will be allowed to fly to Southeast Asia come July, which is not certain now.
Liam and Ellen are still hopeful that, if all continues well, October might be a possible arrival date. They would then need to apply for their visa in July.
However, it is all very uncertain, the situation could change dramatically, so they just proceed tentatively and prayerfully, and trust that God will open the door if it is meant to be.
Please pray that the doors continue to open for their October departure and that Liam and Ellen will have patience and wisdom to know when to take the next steps.
They are thankful they are having this time with family, albeit not quite as much as they would like! Pray for Cora and Florrie as Liam and Ellen start to prepare the girls more and more for the move abroad.
Pray for the country of Southeast Asia, that the number of cases of Covid-19 would continue to be minimal. Also that this situation would provide a great many opportunities to spread the Gospel.