Before the school day starts for Rachel, Molly, Joshua, Luke, and Samuel, David and Ann Heinrich have class with one of their Colombian language helpers via video chat. Dave then goes out for a walk. They are required to wear masks whenever they leave their homes. He especially enjoys the times when he walks with a friend and they are able to talk about various topics. David can tell that he understands things much better and can respond more easily. It is very refreshing for him to be outside and to be able to see that he is making progress in Spanish.
Many houses are being constructed and the new shopping centre that people thought would be finished last December is still under construction. With the many restrictions, things have slowed down and changed a great deal.
David and his daughter Rachel continue to visit the families in a nearby neighbourhood to give the children a pamphlet with the week’s Bible lesson. The children show them their completed pamphlets from the past week and try to recite the verse they have been studying.
Many fruits are ripening now in the grounds of the Bible College. The children have been able to go harvest some of the fruit with David to give to the people in the kids’ club. Some of the families in the club are still struggling to have jobs and enough food to eat so they are thankful for this provision from the Lord.
The children continue to home school and find that the days just seem to run into one another with little change. They try to get out during the week, but find it somewhat challenging with the restrictions. Schoolbooks have been ordered and they are trying to arrange for them to be shipped to them. Please pray for the children to be motivated to keep going with their studies and for the books to arrive in time for the following term.
David and Ann continue to talk with their language helpers through video and audio calls; finding ways to talk face to face by getting out for walks. They are continuing to progress and have video calls with their language consultant who advise on ways to keep progressing. Please pray for them to organise their time well and keep connected with their neighbours.
Pray for friendships.
Pray for David and Ann’s continued progress in their language studies and being the hands and feet to reach out to those who have very little for their daily needs.
Please pray for those sick with Covid-19. For jobs for those in the poor neighbourhoods.
Also, pray for the translations of the Bible to continue and for the millions of people who have not heard the Gospel and for more labourers.