Ragnar and Elizabeth Niclasen are so thankful to everyone who has prayed for them regarding the quite drawn out move to the Kanaknaey village. They took their first load of belongings over in May and the last in October. They know for sure though that none of this took the Lord by surprise and they are thankful for how He used that unexpected extra time in town to bring wonderful opportunities their way.
The believers in the village area did a fantastic job of renovating the kitchen of their new home, making a new outside wall about five feet high, putting on a new roof and enlarging the surrounding yard. The day Ragnar and Elizabeth arrived they were surprised with a ‘welcome party’. Besides having thoroughly cleaned the house they were waiting in the yard with coffee and sweet potatoes to share with them. More folks sent over freshly harvested rice, bananas, sweet potatoes, green beans, ginger, freshly baked rice cakes and one family even brought a live chicken! They also stayed to cook dinner and then helped Ragnar and Elizabeth carry some belongings that had been stored in the church building over to the house. However, the boxes had thousands of biting ants in them, in every book, bag and item of clothing. It was literally hours before a few boxes were ant free.
On their first Sunday, the believers could not have been more friendly and welcoming! After the morning service and before the afternoon prayer meeting, while they were waiting for the rice and veggies to boil, the men made a circle around Ragnar and the women around Elizabeth. They each introduced themselves, telling them a bit about their family, which village they live in etc. Lord willing it will not be long before Ragnar and Elizabeth can call them all by name and know who belongs in which family.
Although it always takes some time to feel at home in a new location and house, they are off to a good start. Being surrounded by such kind, loving and thoughtful people is a huge help.