Jim and Judy Burdett have been back from the field of Papua New Guinea for over a year already. At some point, they will need to return to the Dom to reconnect with the Christians and settle their affairs. They would have liked to have this happen before the end of this year but international travel is still difficult. Please pray for this situation, that the Lord will make a way for them and fellow missionaries on home assignment to return to PNG.
Currently they are visiting friends and family but will head back to Sanford, Florida, at the beginning of November and start their new ministry service at the ‘Homes of Ethnos360’, working there in the mornings and with Dom related work in the afternoons. Jim intends to translate as much of the Old Testament into Dom as possible, create more Bible lessons for the Dom teachers and a one volume Bible commentary in both Dom and Tok Pisin, PNG’s national language. Lord willing, this will include yearly visits to PNG and the Dom tribe. They are NOT RETIRING even though they will be working part time at the retirement centre. They are still in full time ministry allbeit off the field.
Their co-worker in the Dom, Gerolf, Mailis and boys had the opportunity to share what Gerolf had learned at a teacher training time with five of the mission teachers with about thirteen guys and one lady in the Dom. Exciting that there are more folk desiring to teach God’s Word. Jim and Judy are missing being there. Please pray for their co-workers as they are working through what God has for them.
Jim and Judy are looking forward to spending more time with their children whilst in the USA. Their long awaited granddaughter was born this month. Their daughter Heather has had some improvement since starting on different medication but still has many tough days. She will move in with them in November. She is still able to manage working in the kitchen at the mission’s Latham centre for the older retirees, but has little energy for anything else. Please continue to pray for Heather.
Thank you so much for being part of the Dom team.