Christian and Hanna Kobler are planning to move to a different area in Asia Pacific at the beginning of March, where they would like to serve at the Bible and mission school. There national Christians are trained to serve in the church of their own ethnic group or to reach another ethnic group with the Gospel. One focus is discipleship, and they are excited to invest in local people so that they get excited about Jesus! In addition to theological content, practical skills are also taught. They won’t be able to join the programme immediately after the move, as they both must complete their language studies first. Their application and the process are underway.
Hanna’s father suffers from frontotemporal dementia and her mother is his caregiver – her mother suffered a fractured thoracic vertebra just before Christmas. Christian and Hanna have therefore returned to Germany to give assistance. They don’t know how long we will be there but currently estimate four to six weeks. However, this will not change their deployment and further planning (apart from a postponement)!
Prayer requests
- Strength for the upcoming challenging time in Germany
- Healing of Hanna’s mother and a long-term solution for her father
- Guidance for the next steps (finishing up in their present location in Asia-Pacific, language studies, relocation etc.)