Poul and Carol Joensen are looking forward to their son Jonathan and wife Megan joining them on their trip to Papua New Guinea at the end of July.
During Poul’s trip to PNG in February, he had long days reading through the majority of the Sorimi New Testament checking for any minor corrections with believers. Many people were eager to help, and he was encouraged to see their enthusiasm to get the Scriptures ready for the Bible to be printed in their own language. Since then, the months have been very full bringing this translation process towards completion, along with preparations for the forthcoming trip.
Poul finished the translation corrections in March. He also taught Bible translation principles to students at North Cotes College. Carol taught a class about cooking and practical living in remote areas. She was also involved with a lot of planning for a village simulation and cultural evening at the REACH conference.
In April their focus turned to the next steps for the Sorimi Bible and dedication. All of Poul’s work on the New Testament was sent to a fellow missionary in the USA to do the typesetting. They are so thankful for his ability and time. Pray for all that is entailed to be completed proficiently, ready to forward the files to the printer in the Netherlands soon. The printing is scheduled to begin 1st July, for two weeks. Poul and Carol plan to go by car and ferry to collect 200 Bibles!
Meanwhile there are many other details still to coordinate: visas, immunisations, international and domestic flights, accommodations, supplies, etc. Sometimes things seem uncertain; yet the Lord lovingly reminds them to continue placing their trust in His guidance, timing and provision for these practical and financial needs. They would value prayer for wisdom, strength and peace as they finalise things in the UK, then throughout their time in PNG. They have been encouraged as they have seen Him bring many plans together already!
They plan to spend three weeks in Sorimi. The tiny house is run down, with limited solar battery power, a stove top burner, and no fridge or running water. It will be like rough camping. They hope to repair some plumbing and ask for prayer for rainy nights to refill the water tank. They eagerly await fellowship with the Sorimi people who are making plans to celebrate the dedication of the Bible mid-August! It will be a joy beyond words for Poul, Carol and family to spend this precious time in thanksgiving with the believers, amazed at God’s grace over many years in placing the Bible into their hands! They plan to carry some Bibles in their four suitcases next month, and others will be posted to PNG.