Jonathan and Dian Langhardt with Benaja and Lukas serve in Asia-Pacific at an NTM Bible and Mission Centre. They thank God for the summer break that is now behind them. They were able to renovate the childcare facilities. Jonathan and Dian spent every spare minute there, because in the end there was much more to do than they first thought.
Jonathan also discovered damage to their house due to termites.
Dian could finally submit the first draft of her “PhD thesis”. The children’s programme on Thursday afternoon also took place during the holidays. This programme continues to be very well received.
Jonathan’s parents were able to visit them and together they made some great trips and had a time of holiday. Their brief visit was very refreshing and Benaja has been encouraged to speak more German. He is already a meter tall! He still enjoys his bike. He likes to watch cartoons in German and reads his books aloud every day. Lukas is now one year old and can finally run around to explore everything.
The campus has come alive again after the quiet holiday season. They have welcomed a few new students, singles and families. They helped some to settle in before they started their studies. The students were initially busy cleaning the grounds, classrooms, and accommodations and getting them ready to use.
Jonathan and Dian are happy to be part of the work and hope that the school can be a “think tank” in which many people are motivated and enabled to glorify Jesus. Jonathan is looking forward to teaching his next three subjects including an overview of the wisdom literature of the Old Testament. He still has mountains to do in preparation. Please pray that God will use him to bless the students!
After a week of orientation time for all Bible students and mission students they have now started lessons. Thank God for this young generation of believers!
For Dian, childcare has also started. Much of the work is on her shoulders due to her co-workers not being able to help fully just now. Please pray that the Lord Jesus helps her to honour Him in all circumstances! Pray too that the children will settle and parents will be at peace about leaving their children in the nursery. Also pray for someone to help Dian in the home in these busy days.
Something they have been struggling with as a family is the search for a local ‘spiritual home’. They have already visited many services on Sundays, but unfortunately were often disappointed afterwards. They would like to settle somewhere where they can contribute their time with their gifts, but where they are also strengthened and encouraged by other believers. Pray that the Lord will guide them to the right place.