Boris, Valentina, Benaja and Phil – Noah Bergen are preparing for their return to the Philippines and a new ministry after a time of home assignment.
Some things still need to be completed before they leave Germany. Unfortunately, it is not easy to purchase everything they need in the Philippines so they are taking clothes for the kids and their expected baby as well as some tools and gifts. They have been very busy with errands and the kids, who of course, notice the busyness and are not as settled as usual.
They are looking forward to their return to the Philippines but parting from family and friends once again is bitter sweet; especially this time, as recently Valentina’s sister (19 years-old) was diagnosed with cancer. They recognise God’s good timing in being able to stay with their family in the initial weeks after this discovery.
Boris and Valentina are very grateful to God that they could keep their house and dog in the Philippines whilst on home assignment, so they actually have a “home” waiting for them, which is a great blessing!
However, they also expect their new ministry will bring new challenges. For example, in the next few years, they will travel much more than previously, in order to support the missionaries in different areas.
When Boris and Valentina spoke about their new roles with some of their brothers and sisters in Christ, they said, “Well, it’s like in Acts (6:1-7) when the disciples said it was not right to neglect the ministry of the Word because of the practical needs and thus used deacons, people who were responsible for practical areas. They found it a very good example to describe their work. Because that is exactly what they want to do by freeing up the teachers, shepherds, church planters and Bible translators to continue with their main ministry, by providing practical support.
Their new ministry will incur additional costs as they travel to remote villages to provide practical support for the church planting work etc. They can testify that God has always provided.
After five years on the mission field and soon three children, they realise that it is time to invest in a car. Especially since they now know that they will stay in the city for the foreseeable future. The car will be needed for their ministry too. Boris will use it to fetch materials and it will be a great help and blessing in transporting short-term volunteers and newcomers.
In the past Boris has tried to transport as much as possible by motorbike, which becomes more and more difficult with a growing family and is sometimes not that safe!
Boris and Valentina believe that God has led them to this ministry and see how He has used the past five years to prepare them for it and they are really looking forward to this new venture.
Thank you for standing with them through prayer.