After a long but relatively smooth journey, Poul Joensen is now in Papua New Guinea!
Now at the mission headquarters after spending two days in a hotel in the capital, Poul has been well cared for, with lovely meals and groceries delivered to him. He is still quite tired and feels a little under the weather. He is resting and working on translation.
Please keep praying there is much travel ahead.
Poul’s first week of isolation was cut short, which was good news as he could leave the house, see fellow missionaries, do some shopping for groceries etc., for Sorimi and work on other essential arrangements.
New restrictions may affect Poul’s flight next week to Wewak town and on to Sorimi. Please pray that will not stop him getting into Sorimi as planned!
It is hard for Poul and Carol to realise there is a potential delay, when they have seen God open the door and lead the way to PNG over the months. BUT, they know His faithfulness will remain the same and God holds HIS plans for them in His hands. So they rest, waiting on the Lord to again lead in what He has for Poul and the Sorimi ministry…. day by day over the following ten weeks.
Also pray for the PNG mission leadership and pilots. They need wisdom and strength as they assess the situation caused by the pandemic; also pray for the mission’s representative as he communicates with the government regarding the regulations and how they are to be followed.