More soil to till

There was a small crowd at 8pm when it was time the Glarro team to start their last lesson on Rev 22. But God is good and a short time later several more people came, sat down and listened. Besides talking about the new heaven and earth, they also added a brief summary from Genesis to Revelation, talking about God’s plan and how He provided a solution to man’s sin problem and how the reconciliation in the new Heaven and Earth will look like.

They also mentioned that there will be many who will not go there, but rather will find their punishment in the lake of fire, after the great judgement.

Aaron made it clear that they did not have to wait until then, before they know to what place the road leads they are on now. He told them clearly that if they repent and believe in Jesus’ substitutional death on the cross for our sins, then God will accept them right then.

When he asked them what they thought about that, one older lady said, “Of course I will trust in Jesus”. Aaron told her that in that case God will accept her. However, others were more cautious. It seems that they believe that they have more time left to decide. In other words, they are not ready yet.

So, it looks like there is still more soil to till, more seeds to be planted until the crop is ripe for harvest. Guy and Keyla Burkhead will start to tackle that while Aaron and Amy Speitelsbach are on home assignment.

Aaron and Amy left the village, and after a long drive and a flat tyre, they arrived in the capital city. Their car still has a shaking problem. They have found a mechanic who will try to figure that out for them.

Thank God:

– That Aaron and Amy made it safely to the capital city with their vehicle.

– That they can take a break and get some distance from the work, so that they can be refreshed and refocus.

– For all who pray for the missionary team and the Glarro people of Liberia, which has helped them to get to this point in the work and the teaching.

Please pray:

–  For their local helper, who will man their office while they are gone and work on developing reading materials for graduated literacy students, as well as help Guy with continued lesson development.

– That God will continue to work in the hearts of those who attended the teaching and keep reminding them of what they heard.

– That they can be a blessing, help and encouragement to those they encounter during their home assignment.