Mission or vision

What´s the difference between mission and vision? For Regina Kowert, who serves with Ethnos360.de in Germany ‘mission’ means to go out for a specific purpose to a specific group of people. It is about doing something and it focuses on today. A mission statement can be written on a T-shirt, for example: “Reaching the Unreached”. But a vision is about seeing something that’s about to become. It inspires the hearts of the people and it drives them. It focuses on the future. It is not a short statement; it is a description or a road map, which guides towards the goal.

During Regina’s time in Senegal, she admits to often being short sighted, just trying to survive on a daily basis; life was at times very demanding. She thinks she should have had a personal vision at that time (although a West Africa vision exists). Now she is trying to write a vision declaration for herself on what she knows from the scripture and other relevant sources.

Please pray that Regina has a vision: “Give me a vision to a greater goal made by you. Amen.

Is anything too hard for the Lord? Genesis 18:14. But what if you have a blurry vision? We need a vision that comes from the heart of the Lord and not our own mind.

Jeremiah warned about the prophets who spoke visions from their own mind. It is important that Regina does not see through her own eyes, otherwise, she will limit herself to what is possible in her sight. Instead looking through God’s eyes will allow her to think of the impossible and to trust Him for it.

Regina can now look back and summarise her first year back in Germany. However, she also needs to look ahead. During the summer, she will meet with the leadership team to talk about the past year but also about what lies ahead. Please pray with me for a clear vision for her life.

Last month Regina had the opportunity to be at a ‘Third Culture Kids’, Euro TCK conference and is thankful to the Lord for what she learned. She was also thankful that she could meet up with a former student day’s friend from when they were at North Cotes and spend some time together to start planning a ‘Missionary Kid’, MK programme in October.

Pray for the ‘Pre Field Orientation’ at the end of June (in North Cotes). Regina will speak about ways of lament and about how relationships can work. Please pray for the right words.

Pray for the monthly sendme360 meetings, that the Lord would challenge more people to be sent out and more churches to send out.

Pray for Regina’s stamina and faithfulness in her walk with the Lord and in ministry.