Long, intense, demanding

After the last verse of Hebrews was complete, the Banwaon checking team in the Philippines broke out in cheers and applause. The team had been cheered on many times over by encouragement and support through daily prayer.

Rejoice with Albert and Lynne Castelijn that not only Hebrews, but also Mark’s Gospel and Ephesians are now officially checked. That brings the ever-expanding Banwaon New Testament to 76% completion!

Albert has a large pile of notes for finalising Mark, Ephesians and Hebrews. He also has ongoing work on Matthew’s Gospel, which they plan to have consultant checked in April 2023.

After almost a month in the Philippines Albert returned to Australia. Plans are already underway for the next trip. They want to keep that momentum going as they press towards the finish line!

Every day of Albert’s trip was full. He landed in the village via mission helicopter and hit the ground running. He and the carpenters started building one of the trusses for the senior high school building. With the initial truss done it was over to the carpenters to complete the remaining sixteen trusses and other roof framing. When Albert returned to the village two weeks later, he was amazed by what he saw … Woohoo – Go Banwaon Carpenters!

After two years of no classes, over 130 Banwaon high school students are finally back in face-to-face lessons. Albert made a mental note to meet with the church leaders reminding them to get Bible lessons going at the school again. However, one morning as Albert was walking through the village, he looked up the road and saw two young mothers, Bible lesson books tucked under their arms headed back to the village.

The team of young women who used to teach Scripture during the first class of each day had already met with the high school and church leaders and organised to start the lessons again. What a joy!

Bible translation and ongoing discipleship of the Banwaon church remains Albert and Lynne’s highest priority. They are also honoured to have a part in other areas such as the high school.

The Banwaon young people are the future of the Banwaon church. Thank the Lord with them – and keep praying for – the wonderful group of Banwaon youth. May they grow ever stronger in their faith and walk with the Lord.

Albert and Lynne would appreciate your prayers for another “youth”, their son Stevie, as he begins a month of final school exams on October 12th.

Thank you for praying.