Keep on praying

After having to return to the United Kingdom for several weeks in March due to one of their children needing medical treatment Jonathan and Naomi are now glad to be back in West Africa.One of the things they enjoy is worshipping God in African style! Jonathan only recognises the odd word here and there and cannot follow much of what is going on, but he senses the joy they have in the Lord because they are so outward with their emotions! Materially they have so little compared to us in the West, but they have so much joy in what they do have in Christ.

As the rest of the group is one month ahead of Jonathan with language study, he has been doing one-to-one sessions with a Senegalese believer. He is patient, tries so hard and has become a dear friend to Jonathan. They thank God for this wonderful provision. Language learning is tough but the knowledge that people are praying is a huge encouragement. He feels the effects of it every day!  Please keep on!

A practical prayer request for Jonathan is that he would find a good balance in his schedule. His natural tendency is to prioritise people and things that “pop up” over long term important jobs like, for example, language learning! Please pray that he would be able to find a good balance between listening to recordings, visiting Senegalese friends and spending time with his family.

Pray that Naomi would be able to make meaningful relationships in the community – a challenge with three small children in a busy city where it is hard for her to get out. Many of the local ladies near where they live only speak Wolof and not French which brings an added hurdle!