It’s happening!

Stephen and Carolyn Crockett prayed that the Moi believers would continue on with the work of discipling others and baptising them like Jesus tells us to do in Matthew 28:19. These past few months the Moi church leaders have been teaching foundational Bible lessons to a number of unbelievers. After going through Acts, the teachers asked Stephen to put in writing good questions to ask these new believers to see if they really understood the Gospel of Grace and were ready for baptism. After “interviewing” them, the teachers said eleven people had clear testimonies and nine more need extra teaching. This past Sunday, they baptised the eleven people. What a thrill to see them doing this all on their own.

Stephen and Carolyn are currently in the USA, and thankful for the good medical care. Carolyn was able to get an ultrasound and a biopsy indicating she needed surgery, and she is now on strict orders to rest and recover.

They had a few weeks to catch up with different friends in the area before Carolyn’s surgery. That was so life-giving to them. They have been blessed with such loyal, generous friends throughout their time in Asia-Pacific. What a gift. They are grateful for friends that have opened up their home to them this past month.

Would you pray:

• For complete recovery after Carolyn’s surgery.

• For the Moi church as they disciple young believers.

• For Stephen as he prepares to teach a module on “Developing Bible lessons in a different culture” to missionary candidates at the Canadian missions training centre.

• For Carolyn as she participates and learns how to teach a literacy module there as well.