Wes Goddard is thankful that the heavy rains they had been getting earlier this year in Paraguay have diminished and the roads in the area have improved a lot. A bridge still needs to be repaired, in order that Wes, along with his co-workers and neighbours can use their own entrance road.
Praise the Lord that in Paraguay and Brazil, there are still many Pai who have a hunger for His Word. Two pastors at one community in Brazil are enthusiastic to learn about the foundational teaching materials in the Guarani language used in Paraguay. Wes and two Pai Bible teachers from Paraguay have been able to go back to that community in Brazil twice recently. They taught a group of approximately 25 people about the advantages of teaching systematically through the Bible for evangelism, and are training them how to use the materials. For practice, one of the pastors taught a short foundational Bible lesson and did an excellent job! They continue to do the same type of Bible teacher training at a second community in Brazil. Pray that God would raise up Bible teachers who are able to clearly, communicate the Gospel of grace to their people, and not a Gospel of works, as is so often the case.
Wes is teaching a Pai couple two to three times a week through the book of Acts. They are eagerly soaking up the teaching about the early church in Jerusalem, the coming of the Holy Spirt at Pentecost, and what it means for us today. Pray that they would continue to have that enthusiasm, and begin participating with the larger body of Pai believers at the nearby church.
Pray for the family of a Pai community leader who had a brain aneurysm and did not survive. Other missionaries had led him to the Lord, so his family has hope of seeing him in heaven. However, as is so often the case, there are people who are saying that witchcraft is the cause of his death. Pray for many new Pai believers who really struggle with getting past the fear of witchcraft. This month, Wes and his co-workers have two different sets of visitors coming from the USA to visit them. Pray for profitable and enjoyable visits. Thank you for praying.