The last few weeks in the village were busy for Aaron and Amy Speitelsbach (who serve in Liberia, among the Glarro people), as they tried to get many things to a point where others could take over while they are on home assignment. Aaron tried to finish a couple of Bible lessons that he was working on, and Amy prepared literacy material, so that a local lady could use it to teach elementary school kids how to read and write Glarro. Their co-worker will continue meeting with the small group that helps develop Bible lessons in Glarro in order to keep the work moving forward.
Aaron and Amy’s trip was pretty smooth and uneventful and it took only 29 hours from the village to Aaron’s family in Germany. They have a few visits scheduled in Germany and then head to the USA at the end of this month. They plan to visit as many of their supporting churches as possible before Thanksgiving.
Thank the Lord with Aaron and Amy:
– That He gave them the strength and health for the last couple of weeks in Liberia, so that they could finish a few things before they left.
– For the opportunity, in the next couple of months, to fellowship with many of their friends, family and supporters, and be mutually encouraged.
Please pray:
– For their co-workers, the Burkheads, who will be alone in the village for the next few months, and for continued efforts in making Bible lessons.
– For their co-worker, Lesley, who continues to work on translation. She is currently working on the Gospel of Matthew.
– For an encouraging and refreshing time for Aaron and Amy as they spend time with family and fellow believers, and that they will know how to use their time wisely.
Thank you for your prayers for the missionary team and the Glarro.