Helping hands

Last month Kirk and Yolanda Rogers wanted to spend some time with their church family and Yolanda’s family in Louisiana, and asked the Lord to provide housing. Most homes and other structures had sustained significant damage from the two hurricanes, Laura and Delta, so housing was in short supply. However, the home of some friends of theirs was not damaged significantly, and they took them in.

They have been helping various friends pack their belongings and gut their houses (taking out drywall, insulation, carpets, etc.) so repairs can be made. Yolanda has also spent a good bit of time with her father at the veteran’s home. He is now in hospice care. They are so thankful that they can be there for him at this time.

The building where their church meets suffered damage from above in the first hurricane, when it lost many roofing shingles and the rain poured in. The second storm brought floodwaters, multiplying the destruction. They are thankful for the ministry of ReachGlobal, which is providing much manpower and expertise in executing the needed repairs. They have still been able to enjoy fellowshipping with their church family there, meeting on Sundays under a tent in the yard of church members.

In Guinea, their long-time friend and brother in the Lord, was involved in a motorcycle accident in which the bike fell on him. Apparently, he has some bruised or broken ribs. He is in serious pain and it is hard for him to get around. This is very difficult for his large family, as providing for daily needs is hard enough even when the head of the household and everyone else is healthy. Pray that the family would trust God to meet their needs, and see how He is showing Himself strong on their behalf. Pray for rapid healing for the Rogers’ friend and co-worker in translating the Word of God.

Thank you for your prayers for Kirk and Yolanda, for Guinea, and for the church among the Landuma people!

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. 2 Thessalonians 3.18