Goodbye and gone

Three months have passed since Dennis and Marleen and family left their home. In mid-February, they set off from Germany to Asia-Pacific. Not only did they have a long journey ahead of them, but also a new life. The pain they felt when saying goodbye was heartbreaking! However they are incredibly thankful that the Lord gave them a really good journey.

Their last few weeks in Germany were filled with many beautiful moments, but also with many tears as they prepared and packed everything for departure. Two weeks before their flight, they were commissioned by their church. Many friends attended from all over Germany. It was a gift from God that they were able to take part as a family because Marleen and one of the children were ill the days before. They were totally encouraged, prayed over, and assured of the prayers of many people.

After the long journey they made their way to their new home and were shocked to find full renovation work was still being carried out. It was very stretching for them as a couple and for the children. In this gigantic chaos they were blessed by their friends who were already living in the area. The children could play together, they were helped with shopping and to get the house ready to live in. They showed them around town and introduced them to people. It was a very warm reunion with their friends. The wider team also gave them a warm welcome.

The first few weeks were characterised by getting the house set, getting used to life, and getting to know their house helpers. Now, after three months, the house is renovated, and they are focussing on learning the language and culture.

There is a lot of culture to explore and experience. They try to approach everything as learners. They want to understand what the people say, think and do. Why do they do it and what is their motivation behind it. This is going to be a long, tough road, but they are confident, because of God’s merciful and loving character in which they want to trust FULLY!

They have been learning the national language for two months now. It is challenging, but they have found their rhythm, and it works well and is even fun. The first weeks they just listen to understand and comprehend all the new words. Now they also speak. They try to copy their language helpers and listen to their corrections. This helps them to speak and sound as naturally as possible. Praise the Lord! They have wonderful language helpers who do a great job!

Pray for…

– Their marriage

– Raising their two children

– That they can build good relationships with their neighbours and all other nationals around them

– Their friends and families at home who miss them and vice versa

– That they could learn the language well to be useful tools in God’s hands

Thank you for your prayers.