God’s Truth

In Papua New Guinea, the Maliyali people’s ancestors taught them that their physical well-being was of chief importance, and that the spiritual realm played a major day to day part in that. If they didn’t know and follow all the ancestors’ laws to keep the spirits appeased, then life would not go well for them.

So now, as two-year-old believers, a major temptation for them is to go back to thinking that if they want their life, and their family’s lives, to go well then, they need to continue to follow their ancestors’ laws.

Satan has deep rooted beliefs planted here that he wants the people to continue to cling to instead of looking to the all-powerful God. Chad and Martha Earl and their co-workers are asking God to slowly but surely uproot those lies with the truth of His Word and the power of His Spirit in their lives. The current Truth they are using to do that is the book of Job.

They have started meeting weekly as men just a few weeks ago, and it has been sweet to hear how God is bringing truth to bear in small/practical ways in their lives. Having already taught through Ephesians and Romans here they were able to read some verses from those books and chat about how strong the pull of the flesh is and the need to renew our minds and ask the Holy Spirit to help us trust His road and not Satan’s lies.

One believer’s prayer started like this:

“Oh God, in the past we were blind. And us blind ones were just leading each other around. But now we see clear! Now we are happy in your name!…“

Chad and Martha consider it a privilege be a part of what God has done and is doing in Maliyali. Thank you for being a part through prayer. How sweet it will be to one day all get to look back and see all that God sovereignly wove together for our good and His glory.