God’s oversight

Paul and Lesley McKnight’s main ministries in the school and the clinic are continuing as usual at the mission base at Goroka, Papua New Guinea. With Paul being involved in more admin these days, he was responsible for planning and co-ordinating a ‘Spiritual Emphasis Weekend’ (SEW) and a ‘Transitions’ week for the school, this past term. They are so thankful for resources that allowed the school to bring over speakers for both these events. The school is still quite short on teachers for next year and is especially looking for high school science, math, foreign language as well as primary school teachers and a special needs therapist. For more information go to: http://go.ethnos360.org/png-ed-jobs

At SEW the teens were challenged and encouraged, and enjoyed hearing fresh words of wisdom, as well as playing crazy games and having lots of fun sessions together!

On the physio front, Lesley had plenty of clients to keep her busy. She has also enjoyed having a work experience student three days a week this term. They are without a doctor onsite again for about three months, so Lesley has been seeing the majority of the patients needing muscular-skeletal advice and treatment. If you know of any doctors, who might be interested in serving overseas, even short term, please encourage them to get in touch at: http://go.ethnos360.org/png-med-jobs

Last week Lesley was freshly encouraged by God’s amazing oversight! Dr Kevin gave her a last minute crash course in elbow relocation just before he left in February, which allowed her to help a little girl who had a painful subluxation of her radial head. Thankfully, she is all better now! She also helped another girl regain movement in her knee. She had lost a significant amount of skin when she jumped off a low roof and cut her leg on a sheet of metal.

Praise the Lord that 80% of the Bible translations that NTM have produced in PNG are being used regularly by local churches. There is often a shortage of qualified consultants to come alongside the missionary and his PNG helpers to check the translation for accuracy. Pray for more translation consultants and wisdom for how to involve PNG citizens more in this task. Here are some statistics for 2023:

• 32 active translation projects: 20 with missionaries in PNG, and 12 itinerant works (missionaries visit intermittently and work from overseas)

• 81 works: since NTM started working in PNG

• 68 scripture translations: into different languages

• 33 completed New Testaments (NT)
This year Sorimi and Hewa NT translations are due to be completed.

Kuman, North Wahgi and Simbari are finished and preparing to print their New Testaments.

Teams are working diligently to finish the NT in Dinangat, Iski and Wusuraambya in the next few years.

Paul, Lesley, Callum, Amy and Lydia very much need your prayers for the work and for them as a family as they continue to serve the people of PNG through support work. Here are some areas to pray about:

1. As a family they plan to be in Madang for seven weeks from the start of June to help with ‘Interface’, the six week mission course which is for anyone eager to know more about missions. Pray for safe travels and that it will be challenging and encouraging for the 32 students due to attend.

2. The urgent need for more doctors and teachers.

3. Wisdom for Paul as he continues to teach and help administrate the mission school and serves on the centre management team. For Lesley at her clinic work and many responsibilities at home.

4. For Paul and Lesley as they seek how best to support their parents’, Lesley’s mum has had several health issues recently. Thankfully, Paul’s folks are doing better.