The church in West Africa that Jonathan, Naomi and family attend has started online services which a few are able to attend (others cannot afford to pay for the technology i.e. wifi/modern phone or computer). They were intrigued when a baby born recently to a church family was given the ‘English’ name ‘Godstime’ (God’s time). Another believer commented via Whatsapp: ‘God will do good things in His time.’ Jonathan and Naomi’s prayer is that their African brothers and sisters will see much of God’s goodness in these difficult days.
Despite a series of meetings, Jonathan and Naomi are still trying to work out what they should do after national language and culture study. Right now, the future seems as clear as mud! Please pray that God would lay on their hearts and very evidently guide them as to the place where He wants them to be and the co-workers He wants them to work with. Pray for their future co-workers.
Language sessions continue in French (Jonathan) and Wolof (Naomi). Jonathan’s comprehension is progressing nicely – he is beginning to understand more complicated things like sermons. Pronunciation and speaking is a great challenge and lags a huge amount behind comprehension. Pray that his French would progress such that he can speak freely and clearly, so that people understand. In order to speak fluently, Jonathan needs more opportunities to speak! Pray for patient people who are willing to listen and for him to think of lots of interesting stories that people in turn would want to hear.
They are a bit busier now the children are not at school (something they are very happy about!). When Naomi is doing Wolof in the morning (two days a week), Jonathan is at home schooling the children. The daily walk with the Saviour is a fierce spiritual battle.
As elsewhere in the world, Corona virus continues to make life harder for people. Jonathan and Naomi ask that you pray for the Lord to open their eyes to see how they can be of most help to those around them – particularly for those who cannot afford to eat. Also, pray for the right French words and boldness in speaking to those who do not know the Heavenly Father and that they would be an encouragement to the believers around them. Some of the tighter restrictions have now been lifted.