Dave and Fran Jordan serve among the Prai people of Thailand. This past month has been a time of seeing God’s faithfulness day after day. How blessed to be children of God!
Please thank the Lord with them for…
Three Prai believers who have testified of their faith in baptism.
The funds for the publication of the Prai Old Testament portions and New Testament have been generously provided. They are so eager for the Prai to have this and find it hard to be patient through the remainder of the revision, checking, and typesetting yet to be completed. Also an audio version will track along with the written on a phone app. or either audio or printed versions can be used separately. Glory to God! They thank the Lord for three ladies who have been working hard together with Dave on this project.
Fellow Prai believers across the border press on in difficult circumstances. One of their desires is freedom to meet together, and they are attempting to meet requirements which according to law should allow this. Another desire is to have the many songs they have both written and translated put into a song book in the Prai language. A writing system for Prai using the script of their country needs to be worked out so this can be done. Give thanks to God for his continued faithfulness to His people, and please pray for the pastor and several others who minister to the Prai believers. Also pray for encouragement in the Lord and endurance for all the believers.
There is continued growth in a remote village in the national forest, it has no electricity, and only a hand dug road. Children have a long hike down the mountain (an hour and a half) and boarding options are not good. Many children, teens and adults have had no education. Education is not a high value for mountain Prai, and change or something new can be fearful for many. Three Prai believers have worked hard teaching literacy – almost all one on one. With this extra effort, there has been some encouraging progress. One of these believers has been sharing about God with those in another remote mountain village across the valley from them.
Please pray that there will be much fruit from the recent mini-conference held in this village. Dave taught on Romans chapters’ five to eight.