This year has been an interesting year around the world, to say the least. In addition, it is not over yet. Although there are so many uncertainties and changes around us, God NEVER changes. He is the eternal rock and our trust must be in Him. He has been faithful and will be faithful and His purposes and His promises never change.
Life continues for the Richard, Wendy and family in their border town. The rainy season is over and they are enjoying the cooler, dryer weather. The yearly Pwo Karen reading and writing classes have started up at the temple in the evenings and while they are not taking classes, Richard continues to be involved in preparing materials and working together with the head teacher. The head teacher has been very busy with his different responsibilities and sickness in his family and he has not been able to help as much with checking the Bible lessons. Please pray for things to settle down and for that part of the process to start up again. Richard continues to write new lessons and Wendy has been more involved with reading the lessons and giving her input, but she is not a substitute for getting consistent help from a native speaker.
It is very important to work with a native speaker and make sure they are communicating what they think they are communicating. God’s message is important and needs to be communicated clearly. Please keep praying for helpers. They continue to struggle with getting the consistent help that is need.
Please continue to pray for them as they build relationships in the community. Pray for opportunities to teach the Bible lessons and start building a firm foundation of understanding God’s truth. Pray for Richard as he tries to find a balance between working on the different parts of lesson development in the office and getting out and building deeper relationships in the community. They believe that God has brought them to this place in order that people may know Him, but so far, there has been little interest. They believe that their religion works for them and is their reality and ‘ours’ works for ‘us’ and is ‘our’ reality. Please pray for a breakthrough. Only God can shine His light into their comfortable darkness.
There is an elderly man in the town who used to work for the country’s education department. He enjoys visiting with R and has been asking many questions about spiritual things. Working in the Pwo Karen language every day, Richard’s main national language speaking ability is not that great and it is a struggle for him to communicate spiritual truth in it. Still there have been times they have talked for an hour or two. Please pray for clarity of thought and communication as they share the Gospel with this man. Pray that he would understand and trust in Jesus as his Saviour.
Due to travel restrictions, their co-workers are still unable to return from Switzerland. They miss their fellowship and encouragement, and look forward to their starting Pwo Karen language and culture study and having more help and input in the work. They are making plans for returning in February.
Annual visas need renewal; pray that they can get their visas renewed for another year without any complications. This is their last time to renew it for all six of them as, Lord willing; their eldest daughter will be moving to the USA and starting Bible School next year.
Thank you so much for your prayers. You are a big part of what God is doing.