God is Light

Poul and Carol Joensen continue to play a part in the missionary training at North Cotes College. Poul recently participated in the Bible translation classes and later in May he will be preparing to teach Philippians to the Bible school students.

Carol is tutor to three young ladies in the Cross Cultural Communications Course. They just finished an evaluation time, with many good discussions, such as the training and their plans etc. She also taught three afternoons on cooking from scratch with some practical living tips for overseas, where they may be without access to familiar foods and many modern conveniences.

Poul also continues with Bible translation for the Sorimi language group in Papua New Guinea. (Poul spent September – December last year in the hot, humid jungle of the Sepik region Bible teaching and working on comprehension checks with the Sorimi believers.)

Carol is part of the committee for our conferences. Due to Covid continuing to be a problem locally, it was decided not to have the annual youth conference at North Cotes in March. Usually about 200 visitors from the UK and Europe attend. The conference was online but can still be viewed by following this link https://ntmreach.co.uk. We are now preparing for our Make a Difference conference on campus 17-19 June. https://www.ntm.org.uk/event/make-a-difference20/

Thank you for your prayers for Poul and Carol and the Sorimi people of PNG.