There was great excitement at the end of 2018 for David and Chris Brown with two weddings in the family! Sandwiched in between the weddings they celebrated Christmas, making Ayacas (a traditional food) and music with friends and family.
About two months ago David and Chris’s daughter and family who have being living with them at their home in Colombia went to spend some months in England and it seemed as though their once full house was now going to be empty, but not so.
David and Chris have had many visitors from friends in Colombia and other Latin American countries. The folks at the little church in the mountains where David and Chris visited once a month were sad when they left to serve in Colombia. When David and Chris told them to come and visit them, they never dreamt that they ever would. However, no sooner had one guest left, than two friends from there called to ask if they could visit. They were able to catch up on all the news of their family and members of the little church and it was a joy to be able to share food and fellowship. They thank the Lord for the safe trips that He has given to their friends in travelling.
David and Chris are thankful to the Lord for the joy He gives them in opening up their home to be a blessing to others for providing all of their needs.
Pray for time and wisdom as David reorganises his ‘End Times’ material and as he and his colleague continue to co-teach at the Bible college.
Pray that the Lord’s name would be glorified through Chris’s involvement in music, both in the college and at church.
David and Chris ask for prayer for a pastor’s wife that has been diagnosed with cancer and urgently needs an operation and chemotherapy treatment; they have three children. The area where they live has a severe lack of food, medical supplies and medical personnel and currently there is no electricity. Please join with them in praying for a miracle!
Thank you all so very much for standing with David and Chris in their ministry in Colombia. They value your prayers!