Steve and Gerdine Stanley with Oscar have returned to Papua New Guinea. Their two weeks in Australia have been pretty fun, despite lots of dental and hospital visits!
In two weeks, they have had ten appointments! The good news is that Gerdine is minus three wisdom teeth, and she had other needed work. It seems to have taken care of most, but not all of her tooth pain. Unfortunately, by the time Gerdine’s mouth recovers from surgery they will be back in Kovol!
The good news for Oscar is that his ultrasound came back normal and there are no more concerns regarding a condition he had as a newborn.
When not riding the bus network all over town to get to appointments they have spent a few days relaxing and shopping.
The shopping was an opportunity to get little things impossible to find in PNG. A door sweep to try weatherproof their house a bit more, some cigarette lighter plugs that output different DC voltages and the smallest kettle they could find – a tiny 1000w one that should be able to make two cups of tea using their solar electric system and save on having to use LP gas to boil water. LP gas needs to be flown in by helicopter whereas sunlight is free and often in good supply.
Pray for them as they organise the logistics of flying themselves and supplies back in to the village and then starting language learning.
Their co-workers recently messaged Steve and Gerdine via satellite to tell them that the internet is down again. That means they have to get their supply orders for the next two months (maybe longer?) in now, and Steve will have to spend a day blogging to drip-feed Kovol news on a schedule.