December was a month full of anticipation for the Jordan family in the Philippines with the Agutaynen church dedication and Christmas programme but also full of uncertainty with Ginger’s health and again full of prayers and words of encouragement.
Ginger was not able to return to the village for the church dedication. However, they were hoping that they would all be able to return to the village for the Christmas Programme. Along with the church dedication, their family and the believers in the village had spent several months preparing for the Christmas Programme. Ginger had prepared songs and script, costumes had been made, background scenes were designed and painted by the Jordan kids, and the believers (along with the youth group and Kid’s Bible Club) had several rehearsals to practice their scenes and songs. Upon their return two days before the programme, the believers were busy with final preparations and rehearsal.
At the Christmas Programme they were excited to see over 100 families attend and were blessed as the believers acted out the Christmas story while two others read the story from the Bible. At the end of the programme, prior to giving the visitors a gift, one of the church teachers gave a short challenge to the visitors to receive the gift of salvation. The Jordans thank the Lord for allowing them to witness this event for His glory and thank you for your continued prayers, especially for Ginger.
Stephen, Ginger and family are excited to see several new visitors attending church. As a result, the teachers are talking about starting some new evangelistic outreaches in the homes of these visitors. Pray for open doors and open hearts.