At the end of August Dave and Fran Jordan returned to Thailand from two weeks of very special family time in Northern Ireland. When they got back, the missionary, who was doing the typesetting for the Prai Bible translation was hard at work. There was a flurry of communications as decisions were made and read throughs and checking done on what was sent back to them. They had not realised how many “final” checks are needed before all is actually done. Last week Dave met with the man co-ordinating the printing, and he will be sending the files to the printer. If all goes well by,the end of the year the Bibles should be with them. A dedication celebration is planned for March 1, 2020.
Meanwhile the normal work of lesson writing, teaching, meetings, and recording goes forward. Day to day happenings take some time and energy. There are vehicle repairs, funerals, house repairs, and recently more hospital visits that they need to keep track of. The Prai have notoriously poor health, and the local hospital and health department are trying to improve the high rates of high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney stones, alcoholism, and other ailments in their village.
Here are some recent praise and prayer points
- A one day parenting and marriage workshop at a Thai church in their area was helpful to the twelve Prai who were able to attend. Answered prayer!
- God’s provision for all that was needed to see the Prai Bible sent in for printing. God is faithful!
- Signs of growth in the Sandy Creek group of Christians. Knife Creek Christians continue to serve there.
- Difficult circumstances for some that are opportunities for Christians to exercise faith, love, and unity. May they all grow and become like Christ!
- Prai leaders who can teach and shepherd the believers and equip them for outreach.
- Ability for emerging leaders to evaluate needs and apply Scripture to those needs.
- Christian mates for believing singles.
- Encouragement for children and young people who have few Christian peers.
- For endurance and blessing as the Prai Christians across the border face increased restrictions. “Blessed are those who are persecuted……”
Thank you for your love, prayer and encouragement in standing with the Prai Christians in Northern Thailand.