Poul Joensen recently returned to Papua New Guinea. As a family, the Joensen’s are once again amazed at how God continues to lead them in this ongoing itinerant work and meets the various needs, though it is also hard to be apart for five to six weeks. Please pray for a profitable trip and further progress as Poul continues towards his goal to complete the translation of the Sorimi New Testament, Lord willing, in approximately two years. We serve a faithful God!
The two-way radio in Sorimi has not been working for a while, so there was no means of contact. The mission plane flew over a few days ago to discover if the airstrip had been maintained, and it was able to land. They were glad to know that Poul would be able to land there as planned today Wednesday, 20th Feb. The tractor used for mowing the grass has problems, so Poul will try to do some repairs on that using the advice he has been given.
Whilst in the village he plans to work on the final draft of John, teach Philippians to the church, have individual time and interaction among the Sorimi people and spend time discipling the church leaders. Pray that Poul stays healthy and that there will be men available to work with him. He is hoping to teach two men to become literacy teachers, as previous teachers are busy with other things or have moved to another hamlet.
Carol is not working her usual part-time hours in the nursery at North Cotes College, as there is a new full-time worker there, which is a great answer to prayer. However, she is still needed on occasions and is always available at short notice as a substitute; meanwhile she is helping in other aspects at the mission.