Tim and Rebecca Ingles minister among the Wano people of Asia Pacific. They have some exciting news to pass on from the outreach in another village.
Last Monday, the team in P village, taught the final evangelistic ‘Creation to Christ’ Bible lesson. Since then, they have been spending lots of time talking to those who faithfully listened over the last three months.
The team told Tim and Rebecca via short-wave radio that they have heard 78 clear testimonies of faith in Christ’s work that He did on the cross, redeeming them from the penalty of sin and giving them eternal life! Join with us in praising the Lord for this great news.
Some other great news is that, a man who has been a literacy teacher for the last few years, (a couple of years ago, he started teaching the children’s Sunday school class) recently taught part of a lesson at church to the whole congregation. He did an amazing job, and Tim and Rebecca were so proud of how loudly and clearly he taught.
He is a quiet man and has always been a good teacher. Pray that he will keep growing in his walk with the Lord and remain faithful in leading others.
Praise the Lord for new Bible teachers that are being raised up amongst the Wano.
Edited from the Ethnos Canada prayer reminder