Becky Preheim is now back in Canada. At the moment, she is resting and trying to recover a bit from the past three months. She is mentally drained and pretty exhausted. However, she does not want to take too much time out! In the days ahead, she will be busy formatting the Mengen New Testament and getting it ready to be printed. That is much easier said than done. Becky is still a little lost as to the whole process so he would appreciate your prayers to find the help needed to navigate this unknown pathway.
She would also appreciate your prayers as she settles back into life in Canada. It’s always difficult for her to say goodbye to Papua New Guinea and life and friends over there. Becky is seeking the Lord’s will for what He has for her once the Mengen NT is printed. She would love to be involved in ministry and is open to whatever the Lord has for her.
The Mengen church, are having their share of struggles. One of their main Bible teachers has wandered away from the Lord and his marriage and life is a real mess at the moment. Please pray that the Lord would break his pride and show him the consequences of his sin. Pray too for the other church leaders, that the Lord would help them navigate this really difficult time.
On a positive note, Becky’s co-workers the Flanagan family finally made it back into the village! They had been away for more than six years, but the Lord brought them back. Pray for Simon and Annika and their five kids as they settle back into life in the tribe. Simon is busy doing some renovations on their house and Annika is home schooling three kids and getting back to the routine of cooking and chores without many conveniences! They would appreciate your prayers. They also are on their own in the tribe, so pray that they can have great times of fellowship with the Mengen believers and that the Lord would encourage their hearts.
Thank you for your prayers for Becky over the past three months. The Lord went before her and carried her every step of the way.