Excited about the Word

Although Jim Finnamore may be classed as retired, he is still very passionate about missions. In a recent letter, he included news from a missionary, who is working among a people group who are receiving new portions of God’s Word in their language. Jim asks, “How do we respond to the Word of God? Listen to these tribal people as they are learning it for the first time.”

“…They are engaging with every Bible portion we are translating with them. Each time we sit and work together, we are seeing the Word of God deeply moving their hearts. They nod their heads, comment on how every verse is so true; they have tears in their eyes; they have great words of exhortation to share; they are hungry for more. They are simply being fed by the Word of God because now it is the Word of THEIR God, it is a light to THEIR path. This life on earth has so little to offer them that their minds are set on things above. They are longing for eternity with God…”

Pray for those translating the Scriptures into other languages. God’s wisdom is needed.

Jim says, “Can you imagine being so excited about the Word of God each day that it brings tears to your eyes? We have all experienced that at one time or another, but it is happening to these people nearly every day. God’s Word is exciting and it is able to not only change their lives, but ours as well.”

Pray for the Lord’s wisdom for each missionary as they minister to those who have never heard the Gospel.

Jim appreciates so much the financial and prayer support of many. Continue to pray for him as he serves the Lord in Florida. He is currently teaching  about ‘The Life of Christ’ to his Sunday school class. He counts it a privilege to be able to meditate so much about the dear Saviour.

Missionaries all over the world are in desperate need of prayer. Jesus felt the need to go off by Himself to pray. The Son of God needed to pray and how much more do we need to! Like all missions around the world, our mission has many needs for more workers. Jesus said to pray the Lord of the harvest.