
Dave, Emma and Joshua Moore are thankful for a special final period of service in Papua New Guinea for the foreseeable future. Dave really enjoyed working in the medical clinic again, being able to use medical skills to support Gospel work. It was a supportive and encouraging environment to be in and the breadth of clinical cases was interesting.

They had special times with friends and enjoyed visiting significant people and places (like their favourite river to swim in) and their favourite pet dog.

When it came to packing and sorting out their belongings, it was hard for them to know what to bring back or leave; they mainly kept items of sentimental value.

A special goodbye party at Lapilo gave them the opportunity to share their significant memories of the years working in PNG together and others expressed appreciation. It was encouraging to see the ‘Growth Groups’ continuing to meet around the Bible week by week. Putting together a slideshow of some of the memorable photos, helped Dave, Emma and Joshua see how many different blessings they had experienced. There was a sense of sadness and loss with leaving PNG and their friends there but they are thankful that they could make those friendships and have time serving together.

One of the things that has sustained them and challenged their thinking has been meditating on Bible verses that they have worked on committing to memory.

On the way out of PNG they appreciated the opportunity to see friends at Kompiam. It was a delight for them to see the new hospital buildings going up and see how the team are growing. They also enjoyed time with friends from Mission Aviation Fellowship.

Arriving back in the UK last weekend, they felt more tired than usual, not surprisingly after a busy season of medical work, moving house and the emotions of goodbyes. Their involvement in mission continues. Pray for them as they adapt to a new setting and a changing culture back in the UK.

Dave, Emma and Joshua are thankful for these years in PNG and the experiences the Lord gave them, both good and hard. God is building His church and He is working across the world and through history to bring a people to Himself from every tribe, language group and nation.

Thanks for being part of their support team through prayer and making this work possible.

Give thanks for…

  • An encouraging and positive time of serving in PNG this summer.
  • Good relationships with co-workers that made leaving hard.
  • A good transition out of PNG as they were able to finish up and say their goodbyes.

Please pray for…

  • The clinic team as they seek to recruit new doctors, and going forward, a second dentist.
  • Adjustment to a new season of life in the UK.
  • Dave’s parents adjusting to life after Jennie’s stroke.
  • Settling into new roles with their church and Christian Medical Fellowship in the coming weeks.