Wes Goddard praises the Lord for the good time he is having since his return to the USA in mid-December for home assignment. He has been spending time with family and has already had speaking engagements in five churches. He has quite a few more speaking engagements lined up in other states, a full schedule, speaking almost every Sunday, so he is very thankful for these opportunities! Pray for safety in travel, good weather and good health during this time. Wes also plans to attend a church conference this month.
Pray for the work in Paraguay and for the Pai people as they hear and are taught God’s Word. In January, there was another church event for the Pai youth; Wes’s co-workers were able to take some of the young people in their vehicle to that event. It sounded like it turned out well and was an encouragement to them. Pray for the Christian Pai youth, as they face many temptations, and many get married at a young age.
Pai Bible teachers are continuing to teach two Bible classes, that Wes had been co-teaching with them, before his home assignment. Pray for them as they teach, and for those studying with them. One of the Bible teachers continues to struggle from well digging injuries. The local Pai health promoter has recently helped him apply for disability funds from the government. Pray that he would be successful in securing financial help.
Please pray for safety for Wes’s co-workers, the Windlers and the Goddards, as they continue to minister to the Pai people in the same location where he works.
Pray for the believers at the little Ava Guarani church at the location where Wes’s brother had been ministering up until his death last year. The group of believers there has been growing in number.