Steve and Gerdine Stanley are very happy to welcome Alice and Millie into the world. Born earlier this month, they are a handful! Double the baby is triple the work it seems.
The birth did not go as smoothly as hoped and they needed to opt for a C-section, but the whole time in the hospital they were so grateful for the amazing care they were receiving. They have been back in the UK for three months and still cannot get over how comfortable, lavish, and well provided for they are in comparison to life in the bush.
Oscar is enjoying being a big brother. He likes being a big brother because “big brothers play with sticks and can eat ice cream, and babies just sleep.” He is gentle with them and a new nighttime routine is for the babies to be brought to his bed so he can kiss them goodnight.
Overall, they are doing quite well. It is tiring, but the twins are gradually settling into a routine.
Steve and Gerdine are really looking forward to the time when they will drop a nighttime feed and start smiling and interacting with them a bit more.
Pray for them as a family, for their co-workers and the Kovol people of Papua New Guinea.