Distributing the Word

Mark and Janet Case are supporting church planting in Paraguay reaching the indigenous people with the Gospel, seeing God’s Word translated into their heart language and discipling believers in their walk with God. Their heart’s desire is to see thriving churches that will reach the next generation!

Every day more Scripture is being translated, but there is still much to be done!  There are still around 2,000 people groups without God’s Word in their own language.

In Paraguay, the mission is currently involved in four different translation projects. Two teams are working on the Old Testament, one team is part way through the New Testament, and another team is doing a complete revision of the New and Old Testaments that were originally done over 40 years ago. The desire is to see each of these groups have the whole Bible in their heart language.

The print shop has been busy photocopying and binding recently checked books, which are now being distributed as provisional copies to the different churches and villages. Mark and Janet found it a joy to help transport boxes of booklets into one of their tribal locations and to attend a meeting where they were distributed to the people.

They praise the Lord for recent consultant checks on several new books that will soon be printed and distributed as well.  The goal is a translation that is accurate, clear, and speaks to the hearts of the people. Thanks for your prayers for those involved in this challenging task of translation!

Please pray for continued progress in translations in Paraguay and for people to have a thirst for God’s Word. More than ever, we all need access to God’s Word, which is the “lamp to our feet, and a light to our path.”

Thank you for being an important part of the team through your prayers and support!