It has been an interesting few months for Robert and Rosemarie Baghurst who serve at the training centre in Camdenton, Missouri, USA. There was a lot of cold and heat, rain, and storms with up to five inches just last week. The first year students were staying out in the woods for two weeks and it was very cold and wet. However, they did really well and are now back in classes. Please pray they will be diligent through to the end of the term on 20th May. Pray that they would be a blessing and encouragement as they go back to their families and home churches.
Meanwhile, the second year students have graduated, and they were able to hold the ceremony in the new building, which was good as with over five hundred people in attendance it was not crowded. Please pray for those continuing in linguistics and those who have gone to their home areas and are making their preparations to move abroad in the next year or so. There were almost fifty graduates. Pray that they will keep their focus and continue in the vision the Lord has given them for reaching a lost world for Christ.
Robert is out and about as usual doing all the buying for the school. This does not stop when the students leave for their summer break. Please continue to pray for patience, that he will be a witness to the vendors who he comes into contact with, and for safety in the increased summer traffic. Also pray for a newer ‘buyer’s van’ for the school as the one he currently drives is getting rather old with too much mileage.
Rosemarie went back to the hospital this week to have a manipulation on her knee under anaesthesia. Then she will have to do more physiotherapy to keep it moving. Please pray this will be successful and eventually ease the pain, and give her full movement of her knee again. They know of two other people who are in a similar situation; pray for them too.