Continuing to prepare

Alessandro and Chantal Parrillo with Samuel and Jolissa praise God for their time at an Applied Linguistics Workshop and all they learned during that time. Pray that they will remember what they have learned and be able to use the tools well.

Their health has been good recently but continue to pray for health and wisdom in knowing what God has them to do each day – not doing more or less.

As they settle back in the village and begin language sessions, pray for good progress in culture and language acquisition and building relationships.

Pray for a reliable and good house helper who can work for them long-term. They praise God that there is a young American woman planning to help them with the kids during the next school year. Pray for her as she completes Bible school and prepares to join them. Pray for their kids’ wellbeing and for them as parents.

Their co-workers are working towards preparing for the Bible teaching (hopefully beginning in one year’s time). Pray for them. Also, pray for a smooth transition for a new co-worker as she moves into the village.

Pray that God will prepare the hearts of the K…… to receive His Truth.