Considering future plans

In February 2024, the missionary team among the Glarro people of Liberia started teaching chronological Bible lessons in the village where they serve. After a real good turnout for the first couple of evenings, the people coming to listen to the lessons dwindled down to an average of about 25 adults and around 25 children.

They soon realised that teaching God’s Word in the devil’s territory is an uphill battle. Many of the lessons had to be postponed for various reasons. Yet, where God’s Word is sown, some of it will fall on open ears and hearts. And that it did. A few Glarro people became more and more convinced that they needed Jesus to save them.

They taught on to the second coming of Jesus and the New Heaven and Earth just as they had planned. While a few more seem to have put their trust in Christ, others were not ready to make such a commitment. Whilst they emphasised there is no need to wait, it became obvious that many have not yet fully grasped the weight of their sin and their need of a Saviour.

Aaron and Amy Speitelsbach were quite worn out by the end of the teaching and left the village shortly before New Year. Now they are on a time of home assignment, visiting some of their supporting and praying churches, enjoying rest and considering future plans. One thing they know for sure, they want to go back and continue to teach the Bible to the Glarro people. What exactly that will look like they do not know yet.

Their co-workers, the Burkheads are hoping to move closer to friends near the capital city, so that their children can have more interaction with Christian friends. Guy will continue developing lessons, and they plan to make trips to the village periodically to teach those lessons.

Two local ladies now teach small classes of elementary students how to read and write Glarro. Patrick is developing and printing reading material for them. They also had a transitional class to help them read English and now the children’s books people donated are getting a lot of use.

Lesley, the team’s Bible translator, has also been in the USA taking a break and is now getting ready to go back and continue work on Bible translation.

Praise God:

– For those who came faithfully to the teaching and for the hearts that have been touched by the Gospel message.

– For the few who appear to be trusting in Jesus, and for Isaac who became a believer before he passed away.

– That Aaron and Amy can take a bit of a break and also get a chance to see friends and family.

– That the literacy teaching can continue, even without a missionary presence.

Please pray:

– That God will continue to work in the hearts of the Glarro people and remind them of what they have heard.

– The Burkheads, who are in the middle of a transition, and that they can make meaningful trips back to the village while Aaron and Amy are on home assignment.

– That Aaron and Amy can be refreshed, and refocused, and an encouragement to those they encounter while  they are on home assignment.