The trip to the Inuit community was not confirmed by the Lord so Daniel and Nicole Noort with David did not go as hoped. They continue to pray for His timing.
In early November, there was a lot of snow in parts of Canada. Currently, temperatures are around 0°C.
Fortunately, the connections they are making in their time of Ministry-Partnership-Development are much warmer. They are now regularly attending three churches. They count it a privilege to experience the love of Christ when they meet His people.
A few Sundays ago, Daniel had the opportunity to preach in the English-speaking gathering of a Chinese Church in Toronto.
Through one of their contacts, they heard about a church on an Indian Reserve only two hours away from them. They made the connection and were invited for a meeting of worship, devotions and supper. A great opportunity for them to learn from indigenous believers. The moment they arrived Daniel was given a snow shovel and put to work by one of the older ladies. He diligently started clearing the wheelchair ramp to the church hall upstairs. They were asked us to share their testimony and others shared too.
Daniel and Nicole thank and praise the Lord for growing relationships in churches for open doors in making connections on Indian reserves. Knowing God’s peace and comfort in every circumstance is a huge blessing.
Pray for speaking opportunities, wisdom and patience, and their financial situation.