Close to finishing

Rachel who serves among the Punan-Hobongan people in Asia-Pacific recently finished the final checking session with the mission consultant. They completed Ephesians, 1,2, and 3 John, Colossians, Jude, Philemon, Proverbs, Jonah, and 200 verses of Psalms. She will now need to put in the corrections suggested by the consultant and then it can be printed for use. It will also be distributed to be read on phones.

One day during the check, they were able to be at the mission home and do a Zoom call to Rachel’s long-time consultant, who had travel problems and was not able to be there in person. Steve was able to fill in for him.  Steve will be doing her checks from now on.

The status of what is yet to be done:  Matthew is ready for a consultant check.  Romans is comprehension checked and needs a back to English check.  2 Corinthians, Hebrews, and 1 and 2 Peter need comprehension checking and a back to English check.

Thanks also to Amy, Rachel’s friend, who came out of her village to help with meals, and to look after a couple of the children of mothers who were participating in the check.

Thank you for your prayers for Rachel as she is so close to finishing this project.