Clearer and clearer

Ed and Jeanne Casteel are encouraged by some exciting things that are happening in an outreach in Wana, Asia-Pacific. It has been a blessing for them to be a part of this outreach. Recently Ed was blessed to bring the message as they studied from Romans 7. This village has had church and religion for a long time, so they have had to do a lot of corrective teaching, but the Lord is working in their hearts and folks are starting to become clearer and clearer about God’s Word.

It is the Lord’s desire that many people in this village come to know the Saviour and be happy to study God’s Word!

Just before the new Year, Ed and Jeanne received the sad news that a long time Wana friend had just passed away. This came as quite a shock as Ed had just seen her three months ago and she seemed perfectly healthy.  She was one of the first people to come to know the Lord back in the beginning of their work with the Wana people in the early 1980s. She has four children and three of them currently work in different evangelistic outreaches. The one son is a carpenter but often uses his skills to help with building projects in the different outreaches. It has been amazing to see the love poured out to this family and the encouraging words her friends are passing along to her children and family. Such a contrast to what it used to be like with all the wailing and chopping up of the of the house when someone died.

Please pray for the Wana people and the continued outreach.